Terms of service.



The information and content (collectively, “Content”) on this website is for your general educational information only. The Content cannot replace the relationship that you have with your health care professionals. The Content on this website should not be considered medical advice. If you are experiencing a medical emergency, you should not rely on any information on this site and should seek appropriate emergency medical assistance, such as calling “911.” You should always talk to your health care professionals for diagnosis and treatment, including information regarding which drugs or treatment may be appropriate for you.

None of the information on this website represents or warrants that any particular drug or treatment is safe, appropriate or effective for you. Health information changes quickly. Therefore, it is always best to confirm information with your health care professionals. This website is intended for a U.S. audience. If you live outside the U.S., you may see information on this website about products or therapies that are not available or authorized in your country.

The Content may include information regarding therapeutic and generic alternatives for certain prescription drugs, and may describe uses for products or therapies that have not been approved by the Food and Drug Administration. This Content is for informational, cost-comparison purposes only. It is not medical advice and does not replace consultation with a doctor, pharmacist or other health care professional. Talk to your health care provider to determine if an alternative prescription drug is right for you.


These website Terms of Use (“Terms”) describe the rules for using this website. These Terms constitute a legally binding agreement between you, the person using this website, and Graystone Associates, LLC. If you are helping another person use this website, these Terms constitute a legally binding agreement between both the helper and the person being helped and Graytone Associates, LLC. Terms such as “we” or “our” and “Company” refer to Graytone Associates, LLC and its affiliate entities.

By using this website, you agree to the most recent Terms as well as the most recent version of our Privacy Policy. We may change these Terms at any time, and such changes will be posted on this or a similar page of this website. It is your responsibility to review these Terms each time you use this website. By continuing to use this website, you consent to any changes to our Terms.

By using this website, you acknowledge and agree that any activity on this website is subject to monitoring by the Company at any time, and that the Company may use the results of such monitoring without limitation, subject to applicable law.


You agree:

not to use this website or content in any way not explicitly permitted by these Terms or the text of the website itself;

not to copy, modify or create derivative works involving the content, except you may print a reasonable number of copies for your personal use;

not to misrepresent your identity or provide us with any false information in any information-collection portion of this website, such as a registration or enrollment application page;

not to take any action intended to interfere with the operation of this website;

not to access or attempt to access any portion of this website to which you have not been explicitly granted access;

not to share any password assigned to you with any third parties or use any password granted to a third party;

not to directly or indirectly authorize anyone else to take actions prohibited in this section;


We may change, add or remove some or all of the Content on this website at any time. In addition, please note that although our goal is to provide accurate information, certain features that may be offered through this website, such as participating health care providers, pricing information or other Content, may not be accurate or up to date. In addition, please note that features of any plan or plans described in this website may change over time as permitted by law, including benefit levels, items included in any formulary, pricing or lists of participating providers or other associated vendors.


To contact us regarding these Terms or the operation of the website itself, visit the Contact Us page.